World Health Summit 2011
“Today’s Science – Tomorrow’s Agenda”
1.200 Participants - 320 Speakers - 80 Nations - 62 Sessions
October 23 - 26, Langenbeck-Virchow-Haus, Berlin, Germany


Angela Merkel
Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany

Nicolas Sarkozy
President of the French Republic
World Health Summit Presidents

Steve Wesselingh
Dean, Faculty of Nursing & Health Sciences, Monash University, Australia

Detlev Ganten
Founding President,
Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Germany
Central Topics
The World Health Summit 2011 was organized along four tracks:
- Today’s Science
- Research and Innovation
- Strengthening Health Systems
- Tomorrow’s Agenda
M8 Alliance Declaration
We would like to thank each and every partner who contributes to the World Health Summit.
Photos and Videos
Young Physician Leaders
Satellite Events
In association with the World Health Summit, several partners organize a broad range of events.