Header Summit Program Online
Berlin, August 23, 2010
Summit Program Online
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The Online Session Planner offers several features: it allows you to search out session details such as presentations or speakers, find the CVs of the speakers and even makes it possible for you to create your own individual session schedule.
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The online version of the World Health Summit Program may be found at the official website www.worldhealthsummit.org, in the “Program” section which is frequently updated.
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World Health Summit - Personalities
Dr. Mazda Adli, Executive Director of the World Health Summit
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“Health is our most valuable and sensitive currency, regardless of where in the world we live. We need an intensified, international exchange and coordination to define priorities and roadmaps for medical research, development and health care.” says Dr. Mazda Adli, Executive Director of the World Health Summit, and a member of the Executive Board of the Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin.
Dr. Adli is one of the central figures of the World Health Summit. Together with President Prof. Detlev Ganten and Charité CEO Prof. Karl M. Einhäupl, he has developed the conference into its current shape by convening in Berlin leaders from all health-related areas and global regions.
As physician and scientist, Dr. Adli is a psychiatrist by background and Director of the Mood Disorders Research Group at the Charité (Campus Mitte). He is a well-known expert in the treatment of resistant courses of depression and bipolar disorders. His research focus lies in the development and evaluation of treatment algorithms, pharmacogenetics and the neurobiological and genetic preconditions of stress and depression. Another area of focus is the long-term-management of bipolar disorder. “Solutions for the diseases which we treat – the major global health burdens as well as the neglected and rare illnesses – need medical improvement; they need good teams and partnerships across sectors. Success comes by networks.”
From now on, Dr. Adli will share his impressions and communicate news related to the World Health Summit via Twitter.
Stay in touch with the World Heath Summit and follow Dr. Adli on Twitter.
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Sessions at the World Health Summit
Working Session: Universal Access to Health: Innovation in Infrastructure-Poor Seetings
How Could Innovative Models Help?
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Health is a Basic Human Right. (United Nations Declaration of Human Rights – Art. 25)
Effective systems of social protection, prevention and health care are crucial for the security of populations particularly in low income countries. Improving access to health care requires a detailed analysis of multiple factors, including workforce, infrastructure, financing, information and organization.
These determinants are influenced and dependent upon demographic and geographic data which vary across regions. In many health care systems, innovation is mainly focused on the discovery of new drugs and their distribution, creation of new devices, or studies on new interventions. Yet, innovation can extend much further to include under-examined areas such as processes, payments and delivery models, all of which are key enablers to improving access to healthcare.
Where have innovative models emerged, what is it that makes them successful?
How can health systems harness their benefits to extend access?
The World Health Summit will have a Working Session on “Universal Access to Health” taking up these and other questions on health care provision and financing mechanisms to improve access to health care in low-income countries. These questions will be raised with the public, private and non-profit sectors.
This Working Session will be co-chaired by the Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Mohammed Yunus of the Grameen Foundation and Claudia Travassos of the Brazil-based Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (FIOCRUZ).
Amongst the confirmed chairmen and speakers for this session are:
- Claudia Travassos I Oswaldo Cruz Foundation I Brazil (Chair)
- Vidar Jorgensen I President I Grameen America I USA (Chair)
- Ricardo Lagos Escobar I former President of Chile
- Matt Berg I Director I Earth Institute Columbia University I USA
The Working Session takes place at October 12th, 2010, 10.30-12.30 in Session Room “Bier”.
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World Health Summit Secretariat
c/o K.I.T Group GmbH
Association & Conference Management Group
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Tel.: +49 30 246 03 240