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World Health Summit

Newsletter March 2020

Dear friends and partners of the World Health Summit,

Unfortunately, we have to inform you that this year’s World Health Summit Regional Meeting in Kampala, Uganda, scheduled to take place April 27-28, 2020, will be postponed to a later date due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Ugandan Government and the Ministry of Health of Uganda have jointly decided that all international conferences slated to take place in the country have to be temporarily postponed due to the rapidly escalating health concerns relating to the spread of the coronavirus disease.

We understand and fully support the decision of the Government of Uganda.

The Minister of Health of Uganda Jane Ruth Aceng, said at a press conference on March 7, that there is no confirmed case of SARS-CoV-2 in the country yet but the government was taking precautionary measures for public health.

We are closely monitoring the guidance from the Government of Uganda and the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO) regarding the spread of COVID-19.

Please know that your health is our top priority and that we will thus act in accordance with guidelines provided by the Government of Uganda and other public health agencies.

We, the organizers of the World Health Summit in Berlin, expect the summit in October to take place as planned. We will keep you updated about the Regional Meeting in Kampala and the summit in Berlin.

Stay safe and stay healthy – wherever you are.


Detlev Ganten
Founding President

Charles Ibingira
International President 2020

WHS2020 Regional Meeting Kampala Postponed


News overview on the coronavirus and COVID-19 outbreak by the WHO

On our partner's website, the World Health Organization (WHO), you will find daily global updates on the coronavirus outbreak. For official information and guidance, please visit here.

Coronavirus global health emergency: Coverage from UN News

This page brings together official information by both the WHO as well as the United Nations on the current global health emergency, the coronavirus outbreak. It is updated daily and provides rapid coverage on current developments on the spread and virulence of the virus, and country-specific advice to protect health.

Coronavirus COVID-19 Global Cases by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University (JHU)

Our M8 Alliance Member Johns Hopkins University has emerged as a prime source for reliable information on the global spread of the coronavirus and COVID-19. A particularly valuable resource is the interactive map showing the global cases of COVID-19. Aside from the number of infections, it also displays the current number of deaths and the current number of recovered in total global numbers and by individual country.

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World Health Summit
WHS Foundation GmbH
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10117 Berlin, Germany