Berlin, July 2012
Bringing you these topics:
- Update on Confirmed Keynote-Speaker
- New Pan-African Satellite-Symposium
- Your Networking Opportunity: Book of Participants
- Introducing the WHS Symposium of Helmholtz Association and THE LANCET
- Early Bird Registration - Final Offer
Keynote Speakers
We are very pleased to announce the confirmation of the following Keynote Speakers:
- Judith Mackay (speaking Oct. 22nd)
Senior Advisor, World Lung Foundation
- David Epstein (speaking Oct. 22nd)
Division Head, Novartis
- Hasso Plattner (speaking Oct. 24th)
Chair of the "Enterprise Platform and Integration Concepts" research group at Hasso Plattner Institute
- Gerd Binnig (speaking Oct. 24th)
Nobel Prize Laureate in Physics 1986
The up-to-date list of speakers can always be found online under "The Summit / Speakers" >>>

Pan-African Satellite-Symposium
Representatives from 26 African countries (among them 17 ambassadors), accepted our invitation to come to the WHS office. They then learned more about the World Health Summit, the M8 Alliance, and the Pan-African Satellite-Symposium on Respiratory Infection.
With great enthusiasm, stronger links between the academic institutions and stakeholders from Africa with the WHS and M8 Alliance have been proposed. See the pictures of this “historic” event online.
Your Networking Opportunity: Book of Participants
Following the positive feedback from last year, we are very pleased to announce that there will once again be a WHS - Book of Participants.
Beginning in August, all registered participants will be contacted by our conference organizer, K.I.T. Group, in order to take part in this useful networking tool. After submitting a short CV, picture, and contact details, you will be added to the Book of Participants and thus be able to see who else is attending the Summit - contact your “Big Fish” at the Summit!
More details will soon be available on our website.

WHS Symposium: Helmholtz Association and THE LANCET
The Obesity Challenge – How to Prevent an Overweight Generation
Overweight and obesity, risk factors for many common diseases, have reached alarming levels in adults and children worldwide, posing an enormous economic and health burden.
We will present the latest figures for a number of countries, explore the role of food environment and look at innovative ways to use the media for prevention. Regarding urgently needed public prevention measures (e.g. transport, urban planning, food processing or education), current policy actions will be evaluated.
Prof. Wess (Helmholtz Zentrum München)
Sabine Kleinert (THE LANCET)

Early Bird Registration: Final Offer
Less than 100 days before this year’s World Health Summit and only a few days remain for the Early Bird Registration price reduction. The deadline for this offer is July 31st.
Do not wait any longer, register now, and participate in the Summit with this special rate. Details on registration and fees are available online under "The Summit / Registration" >>>

See you at the World Health Summit 2012!
Academic Office
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10117 Berlin, Germany
Tel. +49 30 450 572 117
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Media & Communication
Tobias Gerber, Daniela Levy
Tel. +49 30 450 572 114
Organizing Office
K.I.T. Group
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Tel.: +49 30 246 03 240
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