
The World Health Summit and
Pfizer Award for Innovation in Biomedical Research

With an endowment of 75,000 €

Medicine in Transition – Novel Applications of Personalized Medicine in Chronic Diseases

<media 577 _blank>Award Announcement Download</media>
<media 578 _blank>Award Application Form Download</media>


The scientific and medical solutions to the future delivery of healthcare will in large part be found by the young scientists of today. It is therefore critical that we appropriately recognize, encourage and reward the great science being done by the potential leaders of tomorrow’s scientific and medical research world.

It is with great pleasure again in 2010 with Pfizer R&D we announce the “World Health Summit and Pfizer Award for Innovation in Biomedical Research”. This annual, international award endowed with Euro 75,000 is designed to recognise and reward young scientists at the outset of their career, promote innovation in biomedical research and encourage translation to benefits in human health.

In its scope, the award will recognize highly innovative independent research in biomedical science which promises to make a positive impact on human health. Special attention will be paid to the potential of the research to build into a program of activities and drive this “translational agenda”.


The award will be open to all research scientists who are:

considered to be in the “training phase” of their careers


2) currently working in an academic institution.

To align with a key theme of the World Health Summit, the 2010 call is on:

“Medicine in Transition – Novel Applications of Personalized Medicine in Chronic Diseases”

The scientist’s work should address questions of health care of a high global health impact and develop perspectives of clinical application of personalized treatment approaches for chronic deseases. The selection of the winner will be undertaken
by a jury comprising deans of the M8 institutions
and a senior Pfizer scientist. The announcement
of the winner will be made at the World Health
Summit 2010.


The following documents are required:

  • Application Form including a field for the applicant´s Curriculum Vitae
  • Two Reccomendation Letters

Please send the filled out form including your CV and the two Recommendation Letters to award2010(at)worldhealthsummit.org.


For further details, please contact:

Dr. Mazda Adli
Charité Universitätsmediztin Berlin
World Health Summit Executive Secretary